GTI Instruments Series

CIPM 2023.05.28 to 05.30

2023-04-21 13:16

aerosol photometer

CIPM 2023.



This year's CIPM Trade Show will take place on May 28-30, 2023 in Qingdao, CHINA. The annual conference features speakers from the testing and certification industry, breakout sessions, exhibition, and plenty of networking opportunities.

GTI PRECISION INSTRUMENT (SHENYANG) CO., LTD. (GTI) is proud to participate in CIPM 2023. GTI is the leading provider of aerosol photometers and generators. With a global presence, our photometers and generators have been instrumental in ensuring the safety and efficacy of products and processes worldwide. The GTI 3990 series will be shown and

HPA filter leak testing solution: GTI 3990, 3991, 3990-01, 3990-02, 3990-03;

Capture Hood: GTI 620+620Grid, 610+ Lifting frame*2 (GTI610-08, 6710-08);

GTI 115, GTI 135/145*2, GTI 130

High pressure diffuser 100LPM, Aerosol diluter DA-100;

For more information visit the CIFM website.

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